Sicce Syncra Silent pumps 3.5, 4.0 and 5.0: The Total Comparative Test
Let’s continue to speak about return pumps, following the introduction that you can read here: Return Pumps: tests and real measurements compared, and the... Read more.

Elos Spectra HQi out quietly from the market
I already mentioned my thoughts on the fate of the HQI lamps in my editorial about Interzoo, the industry trade show held every two years in Nuremberg, Germany (Editorial:... Read more.

Skimmer Elos PS2000: our in-depth review
The PS2000 is the new Elos skimmer dedicated to oversized marine aquariums, over 500 liters or smaller, but filled with fish and SPS corals. After more than six... Read more.

Interzoo 2012: The Vertex Aquaristik booth
We continue our trip inside Interzoo and into the hall number 4 to visit the stand of Vertex that welcomes us immediately with a statement of intent, with a list... Read more.

Sicce Syncra Silent pumps 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0: The Total Comparative Test
Let’s continue with this article to speak about the numbers resulting from our tests, following the introduction that you can read here: Return Pumps: tests... Read more.

Interzoo 2012: The Coral Shop and aquaLEDs.de booths
Our journey continues in Interzoo always in Hall 4, where we visited two stand closely related one to another, Coral Shop and aquaLEDs.de Let’s start talking... Read more.

Teco E-Chill: our complete review
The Teco-Chill is a complete system to lower the temperature in aquarium, developed by italian company Teco, and on the market since last summer. We have had a world... Read more.

Interzoo 2012: The Aqua Bee Aquarientechnik booth
Still on the stand 4 we visited the Aqua Bee Aquarientechnik booth, where stood the new UP11000 Elektronic which, as the name, is capable of an output of 11,000... Read more.

Interzoo 2012: The Hydor booth
Moving to Hall 1 we find the Hydor, Italian brand famous because of pumps, but also skimmers, calcium reactors, and virtually able to meet a wide range of fresh... Read more.

The new Elos Aquastudio opens in New York
Aquastudio stores, exclusive of Elos brand, expand in the world and a few days ago there was the grand opening of the new Elos Aquastudio in New York Obviously we... Read more.