LED ASF Proten Led Reef Blue bars in our DaniReef LAB – review
Aquarium Systems created a new series of freshwater and marine LED bars, and today we have the new ceiling light ASF Reef Blue 90-120 cm for marine aquariums in... Read more.

NewJet Wave motion pump for nano and minireef – review
We tried the new second-generation NewJet Wave recirculating pumps, which are great for mini and nanoreefs, and we liked them very much.Aquarium Systems... Read more.

VorTech MP40QD Review – Is it Still the Queen of Pumps?
Finally we have in our hands the queen of the pumps, the Ecotech Marine VorTech MP40QD. Deeply renewed and improved in regards to its most critical flaw, the noise.When... Read more.

Ecotech Marine Versa: the dosing pump… that never stops!
The new dosing pump Versa by Ecotech Marine uses a long lasting pumping system. Wonderful!The pump is more than it seems at first glance. In fact, as is... Read more.

Teco TK 1000 with r290 coolant: The king is back!
We tested a new product from the Tank Chiller Line, the Teco TK 1000 by Teco with the new r290 coolant. We tested the little brother TK 500 years ago and we are... Read more.

Raising pH in the Aquarium: CO2 Scrubber from Aquatic Exclusive
Raising pH in a marine aquarium has always been a big problem, but now we can use Aquatic Exclusive’s CO2 Scrubber together with AE ScrubX.One of the... Read more.

HANNA HI736 Phosphorus Ultra Low Range Checker – Review and Video
Hanna HI736 phosphorus ultra low range colorimeter checker.In today’s article let’s talk about measurements and tests. One of the fundamental... Read more.

Zoomark 2023 in Bologna, Italy, May 15-17: Information and Exhibitors
Just a few days remain until Zoomark 2023, the international trade fair for pets, and therefore aquariums, held every two years in Bologna. It starts on the 15th... Read more.

MaxiJet MJ500 the perfect all-purpose centrifugal pump: review
The MaxiJet MJ500 is the first ASF Aquarium Systems pump we have tried, and we were really enthusiastic about it. Technical and measured data are absolutely in line.I... Read more.

Centropyge in marine aquariums: which ones and how many?
Centropyge loriculusHere we are with the third episode about species that can thrive in a marine aquarium. Today we’re talking about the dwarf angel... Read more.