Elos SVM: the perfect granular feed for marine fish
For many years I’ve been using Elos SVM feed in my marine aquarium. I never wrote an article, but it’s one of the feeds I always recommend, and it’s... Read more.

Synchiropus in marine aquarium: how many and why?
Synchiropus splendidus – mandarinfishWe started to discuss about family of fish with the surgeonfish, today we introduce another beautiful species:... Read more.

Surgeonfish in Marine Aquariums: How Many and Why?
Acanthurus leucosternonI’ve always loved aquariums full of fish; it looks like you are diving in tropical seas. I’ve always had a lot of them,... Read more.

Monday Archives: Pietro Romano’s Incredible Marine Aquarium
During the meeting of Goccia Nera in the last days of May at Gallarate, not so far from Milano, I had the chance to meet my friend Pietro Romano and to take some... Read more.

Daphbio Microfauna and Meiofauna eggs: microorganisms to colonize aquariums and rocks
If we want to colonize or make our aquarium grow, we start with adding bacteria, then we introduce new sources of food for our bacteria, and finally we can add microfauna... Read more.

Orphek Atlantik iCon in our DaniReef LAB: power and control
Orphek has updated its best ceiling light with lots of changes and, in particular, more power. Come and discover it in our DaniReef LAB.The light is almost... Read more.

Ozone in marine aquarium, when does it make sense?
Ozone (whose chemical formula is O3), is an oxygen allotropic form with a peculiar garlic smell. Its molecules, as you can understand from its formula, is made of... Read more.

How to measure KH automatically: Kh keeper Plus Review
We finally have in our hands the new KH keeper Plus by Reef Factory, the continuous KH monitoring system for marine aquariums, that we tested thoroughly.KH... Read more.

AquaEl Ultra Heater 200 – Review and Video
We talked about it some weeks ago and now finally we have in our hands: the new AquaEL Ultra Heater 200, the heater with variable power.This new heater,... Read more.

Silbermann Aquaristik and Plankton Plus: a new discovery
We didn’t know about Silbermann Aquaristik or PlanktonPlus before Interzoo: they’re companies with very interesting products and beautiful corals.Silbermann... Read more.