Keeping The Rainbow Belly Pipefish
Microphis deocata, also known as Indian Royal Green Pipefish or Rainbow Belly Pipefish, are one of very few completely freshwater pipefish species on the planet.... Read more.

Weak Snick: Suspect Nutritional Myopathy In Syngnathids
You may have heard of ‘weak snick’, a common description of a clinical sign in syngnathids whereby attempts to feed appear weakened, that is, they don’t produce... Read more.

Freshwater Dips and Seahorses
Occasionally, a seahorse hobbyist runs into a situation where a freshwater (FW) dip is indicated. A FW Dip can be used as both a therapeutic and a diagnostic tool.... Read more.

The Search For Seahorses In Thailand
My name is Lindsay and I’m a PhD candidate and researcher with Project Seahorse. I study seahorses in their natural habitat to understand threats to seahorses... Read more.

A Modern Guide to Buying Seahorses
Are you considering purchasing seahorses but are unsure of where to start or afraid they are too difficult? Seahorses do need a specialized setup, but are not nearly... Read more.