Sustainability in the Aquarium Trade
By Jay Hemdal “Oh no!” another article about sustainability! It seems that aquarium-related Facebook and Internet sites have been overwhelmed recently with articles... Read more.

Aquarium Renovation Project at Toledo Zoo
The aquarium building at the Toledo Zoo opened in 1939. Originally housing only freshwater fish, this historic W.P.A. (Works Progress Administration) building gradually... Read more.

Toledo Zoo Fish Health Q&A: Ciliate protozoans
Toledo Zoo staff Jay Hemdal, Curator of Fishes and Invertebrates and Dr. Yousuf Jafarey, staff veterinarian answer your questions about fish health issues.Question: Some... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Chloroquine: A “New” Drug for Treating Fish Diseases
In early the 1970’s, when I was just 13 or so, Cryptocaryon irritans (“marine ich”) and Amyloodinium ocellatum (“marine velvet”) were... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: The Cherry Anthias: Sacura margaritacea
The cherry anthias, also known as the Sakura anthias (a.k.a. Sakuradai () in Japan), is a large, attractive and very hardy member of the family Serranidae (groupers... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: The ‘Eyes’ Have it: A Review of Eye Health in Aquarium Fishes
You’ve likely heard the well-known proverb, “The eyes are the window to the soul”. This actually is a particularly appropriate phrase when diagnosing... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Mortality Rates of Fishes in Captivity
This article has a not very fun or uplifting topic; death, specifically the mortality rate of fishes in captivity. A prominent zoo biologist once said, “The... Read more.

An Evaluation of Current Aquarium-related Conservation Efforts
With worldwide environmental issues very much at the forefront of our lives today, the aquarium hobby (with its often consumptive use aspects) and true aquatic conservation... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Aquarium Fishes of the Tropical Eastern Atlantic Ocean
Recently, live rock has begun to be exported from The Republic of Ghana, in West Africa to various countries around the world apparently due to a competitive pricing... Read more.

Media Review: Information Resources for Home Aquarists
Every aquarist, no matter their experience level, will eventually have questions regarding some problem they are facing with their aquarium. Getting an appropriate... Read more.