Jim McDavid

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Aquarium Fish: Large Angels in the Home Aquarium, Part II

Aquarium Fish: Large Angels in the Home Aquarium, Part II

Welcome back! Last issue we began discussing the larger marine angelfish and the requirements to keep them successfully in the home aquarium. We talked about space requirements; as well as how to make sure that the variables are on your side when you go to select a specimen at your local store

This time, we’ll talk about how to properly introduce your newly acquired angelfish into his new home, how to properly feed it, and some information on a few of the more commonly seen species in the hobby.…

Aquarium Fish: Triggerfish

Aquarium Fish: Triggerfish

Many aquarists, both freshwater and marine alike, first become interested in this hobby by simply deciding one day, for one reason or another (maybe after seeing a friend’s tank) that they would like a fish tank in their living room.…