Monday Archives: Cleaner Shrimp are Badasses
So there is a reason why you don’t want more than two cleaner shrimp in a crowded tank: the little buggers will kill each other, and apparently even gang up... Read more.

Monday Archives: Mexican Navy Releases 200 Million Baby Turtles
This is one of the vats used to hold and transport over 200 million baby olive ridley sea turtles to their release near Oaxaca, Mexico. The program, instituted... Read more.

Monday Archives: Starfish, Up Close
Check out these absolutely incredible macro photographs of starfish. These animal’s undersides always looked unusual when exposed on the glass of an aquarium,... Read more.

Monday Archives: Reefs and Art -If you can’t handle a tank
There are a lot of people who actively follow the reefing community without owning their own tanks, in addition there is always a contingent of hobbyists in between... Read more.

Monday Archives: Bdelloid Rotifers- Tougher Than Thou
This is the Bdelloid rotifer, probably one of the most badass animals on the planet. Not content to merely survive possible interstellar journeys, this roti has... Read more.

Monday Archives: Well, you don’t see that everyday…
What? Never seen someone hand feeding a leafy sea dragon? This little guy is apparently blind, so the Shedd Aquarium feeds him small crustaceans by hand.…... Read more.

Monday Archives: You’ve never seen corals this cute before
This video is from the GBRMPA and it is just too cute to miss. Not only are the corals adorable, but they do a really good job explaining how running your air... Read more.