SimCity, you’ve met your match! Here is a trailer for TheBlu, a new project from Wemo Media that seeks to do for the ocean... Read more.
The people behind this study have never been in a NYC Taxi
This study on fish schooling patterns and crowd management is pretty cool, and indeed has some things in common with automotive traffic but does not account for... Read more.
Manhattan Reefs Fall Frag Swap – Sunday December 4th – Brooklyn
What do the following have in common: Steve Buscemi, Neil Diamond, Manhattan Reefs, Jay-Z and Neil Sedaka? Answer: They all cut their teeth in Brooklyn New York,... Read more.
For Your Rich and Famous Fish
Algae Lovers Dream…This gorgeous home is truly unique and very special. The incline takes you to the Pent House where you have your own private landing. This... Read more.
The Immaculate Misconception
Here is a great article from an Australian news source on how a jellyfish in an aquarium reproduced without any assistance from a mate. We’ve heard stories... Read more.
Aquarium Based Exhibit Going Up at Lever House in NYC
Word is out that House of Fins in Greenwich CT is installing some crazy aquarium in the lobby of the Lever House on Park Ave. Always known for their art exhibits,... Read more.
Train Your Goldfish
A lot of people in this hobby have come to the conclusion that there is too little scientific method being used to make decisions related to how to maintain their... Read more.
Ecoxotic’s Picture of the Week
For all of you who like things a little blue, here is a great shot of a hammer coral from Ecoxotic’s website this past week. Full image HERE.…... Read more.
Nature’s Best Camouflager
Here we have a super cute cuttlefish trying really hard to blend in while in a tank with no surrounding objects except one of those plastic trees from a goldfish... Read more.