Taste the Rainbow
I stumbled across this article at the New York Times today about how paint companies use clever marketing to get consumers to pick their paints over their competitors. ... Read more.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Unveils Open Sea Exhibit
The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s new section opens to the public on July 2nd and from the details emerging it will really be a striking new addition to this well... Read more.

Name That Product!
Final reminder that Reef Nutrition’s contest to name their new product line ends at midnight tonight. As an added bonus, if one of our members has the winning... Read more.

Voice Your Opinion: National Ocean Council Sessions
A reminder that several “listening sessions” of the National Ocean Council will be held over the next few weeks, this is your opportunity to voice your... Read more.

The Reefs are Full of Drugs
Obvious to anyone who has been stung by something in their tank, there are a lot of very strong chemicals and living things in the water. Scientists are now making... Read more.

Coral Collecting for the Steinhart Aquarium
Here is a cool video from our good friend Rich Ross from his recent expedition to collect new coral specimens for their farming system. He puts a really nice professional... Read more.

Pocillopora meandrina spawn recorded for first time
The beautiful cauliflower coral of the Pacific Ocean Pocillopora meandrina has been caught in the act during a spawning event in Hawaii last month. Great video... Read more.

NatGeo likes fluorescent corals too!
Reports from a recent National Geographic expedition to Fiji detail the increasing scientific focus on fluorescent pigmentation that we’ve previously detailed... Read more.

WWII U-boats Mapped
Many East coast divers know the story of a few German subs that sit off the coast of New York and the Carolinas. For those history buffs, wreck divers, or general... Read more.

Mellow Corals?
A recent study reveals that certain types of corals are less susceptible to chemical signals from their symbiotic zooxanthellae when confronted with stress related... Read more.