Protein Cocktail May Help to Eradicate Crown-of-Thorns Starfish
The crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) eats corals. Local populations of this creature can reach plague proportions. When this occurs, entire reefs can... Read more.
Eastern Pacific Species of Drum Threatened by Traditional “Medicine” Trade
The totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) is a marine drum (Family Sciaenidae) that occurs throughout the northern half of the Gulf of California. At one time, this fish... Read more.
Research of Coelacanths Provides Better Understanding of Water-to-Land Transition of Vertebrates
For long, coelacanths were known to science only from the fossil record and were believed to have gone extinct during the Cretaceous Period. Then, in 1938, a specimen... Read more.
“Sneaking” Determined to be Factor in Social Cohesion of Neolamprologus Cichlids
A research team led by Dr. Rick Bruintjes (University of Bristol) has uncovered an interesting reproductive strategy used by subordinate males of certain cichlid... Read more.
New Explanation for Why Pulsing Corals Pulse
The distinctive motion observed in members of the family Xeniidae has for long amazed marine aquarists and marine biologists alike. Arguably, a sizable colony of... Read more.
New Study of Stony Corals Suggests Link Between Skeleton Reflectivity and Susceptibility to Bleaching
Over the last few decades, coral reefs have been in decline. It is clear that mass coral bleaching events (during which corals expel their endosymbiotic algae, or... Read more.
New Phylogenetic Research Generates Significant Revisions to Fish “Tree of Life.”
The results of two studies conducted under Richard Broughton (University of Oklahoma) provide tremendous insight into the evolutionary history of most, if not all,... Read more.
Research Suggests that Three is a Crowd Among Cleaner Shrimp
As far as aquarists may be concerned, the skunk shrimp or cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis) is the quintessential “reef safe” crustacean; it not only exhibits... Read more.
Aquarium Fish: An Overview of Stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon, Part Two
Rays of the genus Potamotrygon, the river stingrays, are among the most extraordinary animals that are available to the freshwater aquarist. They are also among... Read more.
Aquarium Fish: An Overview of Stingrays of the genus Potamotrygon, Part One
There probably are few aquarium fish that are as beautiful, interesting and distinctive as the freshwater stingrays. They are typically the center of attention in... Read more.