Disturbance-Facilitated Coexistence of Sessile Organisms in Space-Limited Environments: A Review of Works in Ecological Disturbance Theory
One of the foremost objectives in re-circulating aquaculture is to maintain system stability. This is not wholly unreasonable in light of the fact that 1) our closed... Read more.
Aquarium Corals: Collection and Aquarium Husbandry of Northeast Pacific Non-Photosynthetic Cnidaria
Nowadays, only the most senior aquarists amongst us can recall the days of old when the marine aquarium hobby was in its primacy–when undergravel filters... Read more.
Aquarium Fish: Reconsidering the Lookdown (Selene vomer)
The family Carangidae (jacks and their kin) is a widely distributed, mainly tropical and subtropical, group of rather burly, roving, predatory fishes. On account... Read more.
Aquarium Fish: Use of MS-222 (Tricaine Methanesulfonate) to Induce Sedation and Anesthesia in Ornamental Fishes
Among the foremost practical (and indeed ethical) concerns of a competent aquarist is the mitigation of stress inflicted upon the animals under his or her care.... Read more.
Aquarium Fish: Reconsidering the Sand Tilefishes
In the last few decades, aquarists have steadily refined marine fishkeeping. These innovations include improved collection/handling/shipping procedure, more effective... Read more.
Freshwater Aquaria: Considerations for Scaping and Stocking the Paludarium, Part 2
A paludarium is a type of vivarium that is specialized for the display of flora and fauna that live on, or very near, the bank of a body of water. Being modeled... Read more.
Freshwater Aquaria: Considerations for Constructing and Operating the Paludarium, Part 1
The aquarium hobby/industry has been enjoying an ongoing surge of technological and methodological advancements, as well as an ever-growing selection of aquarium... Read more.
Media Review: An Overview of the Aquarium Science Program: Unique Opportunities to Receive Training and Accreditation for a Professional Career in the Aquarium Industry
A surge in the number, size, and diversity of public aquarium, aquaculture, and ornamental fish industries has persisted since the early part of the last decade.... Read more.
Short Take: Prospective Livestock for the Temperate Marine Aquarium: A Photo Essay
Despite having enjoyed a long history within public institutions, temperate marine aquarium keeping is yet restricted to a small (though enthusiastic) body of hobbyists.... Read more.
How To: Considerations for Building and Maintaining a Temperate Marine Aquarium
In all probability, the majority of seasoned tropical marine aquarium hobbyists that have considered experimenting with temperate marine aquaria were enticed not... Read more.