Effects of Interspecific Interactions on the Growth and Morphology of Cultured Acropora pulchra and Porites cylindrica
In my previous article I discussed the first of two important experiments that would advance our knowledge of coral propagation and husbandry. I started out by identifying... Read more.
Evaluation of live food versus artificial food on the growth of juvenile Pocillopora damicornis cultured from planulae
Last year, I wrote a two-part essay for this magazine (and spoke at several conferences) introducing the idea of growing corals from larvae. At the conclusion of... Read more.
Growing Corals from Sexually produced Larvae; it’s the ‘r’ight way to Conserve Coral Reefs, but more ‘K’nowledge is needed
Growing corals from sexually produced larvae and planulae is a relatively new approach to farming corals for the aquarium trade. Although coral settlement and juvenile... Read more.