Monday Archives: Master of Mimesis: Manonichthys paranox, The Midnight Dottyback
Mimicry is an ancient art practiced and mastered across the board in the animal kingdom. The paradigm of mimesis is a multifaceted prism, each with unique modifications... Read more.

Monday Archives: Epithet etymology: Gills and tails of thorns
After last week’s foray into some rather unbecoming “reef” fishes, we’ll make a Uey back into familiar territory. Literally nothing is more... Read more.

Monday Archives: The forbidden love between Cephalopholis igarashiensis and Plesionika flavicauda
The genus Plesionika strikes a stunning chord of paradoxical dichotomy in the world of invertebrates. For one, this genus comprises well over a hundred species,... Read more.

Monday Archives: A bumper crop of stunning new species captured on the NOAA Okeanos Explorer expedition
From April 20 to July 10 2016, the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer will stream live video footage as it explores the deep waters surrounding the Mariana Islands and the... Read more.

Monday Archives: Cagayan: Straddling the divide between two biogeographical ecoregions
The Philippines and its satellite islands form one of the richest hotspots for biodiversity in the Coral Triangle as well as the Western Pacific Ocean. It is here... Read more.

Monday Archives: The long-nosed butterflies part 3: Prognathodes
The genus Prognathodes is perhaps the most phylogenetically intractable of the long-nosed butterflyfishes. Unlike Chelmon and Forcipiger, Prognathodes is highly... Read more.

Monday Archives: Tosana niwae – Queen of the benthic silt
The anthiines of the Indo-Pacific are home to numerous genera, most of them noted for their exuberance and sheer brilliance. These charming basslets are notoriously... Read more.

Steinhart’s Twilight Zone: Two undescribed Roa, and Prognathodes guyanensis
Roa is a seldom seen and poorly known genus of butterflyfish. With only four taxonomically described species, the genus has just about as many undescribed ones!... Read more.

Steinhart’s Twilight Zone: Liopropoma sp. & Bodianus izuensis
Continuing with our twilight zone series from Stenhart Aquarium’s newest exhibit, here are two more deep water denizens that share the same home as the Sacura... Read more.

Steinhart’s Twilight Zone: Sacura speciosa
The mysteries of the twilight zone has never failed to captivate and enthral its target audience , be it hobbyists, reef enthusiasts, or scientists alike. And for... Read more.