Tetrapod plugs can dramatically improve coral outplanting
Tetropod plugs wedged into coral reefs.One of the biggest problems with coral frag transplantation is that outplanted corals are easily dislodged by... Read more.
Ringing in the new year with the first new fish species of 2018
Aphyosemion cyanoflavumAphyosemion cyanoflavum, a Congo endemic, is a member of the A. ogoense group, a killifish popular among fishkeepers for their... Read more.
Firefighters are awesome!
The fire started in the garage and quickly engulfed the attic and roof as well. Thankfully, smoke detectors alerted the homeowner, who was able to escape safely... Read more.
Hydrozoan + Coral symbiosis
Hydrozoan polyps living on coral surface. Credit: S. Montano, Milan-Bicocca UniversityTiny polyps save corals from predators and disease Corals may have... Read more.
Cirrhilabrus greeni, the new sunset fairy wrasse
Cirrhilabrus greeni n. sp, male. Photo by M.P. HammerInterestingly, when the scientists sequenced the mtDNA-barcode marker COI of C. greeni, they found... Read more.
BioGlo – The Bioluminescent Aquarium
The novel concept behind BioGlo is ingeniously simple:Create a small captive environment conducive to growing tropical bioluminescent dinoflagellates, Pyrocystis... Read more.
Some Zebrasoma tangs have serrated scalpels
Some scopas tangs use flat blades. Some use serrated blades.Forward-swept scalpels are conspicuously seen on the larger tangs in the genus Naso, whose... Read more.