Large New Reef Discovered in the Mediterranean
The new reef, discovered during the Oceana Ranger’s 2011 expedition, is estimated to cover 10 hectares or just shy of 25 acres. That is a lot of reef to... Read more.
Being a Better Reefer: Asking for Help
Having worked in fish stores for a long time now, I’ve had the benefit of coming in contact with numerous hobbyists on a daily basis. Though their skill levels... Read more.
Moby Dick Sighted!
Migaloo, the all white male humpback whale was recently sighted headed back towards the coast of Cairn, Australia near the Great Barrier Reef. …... Read more.
Cree Ups The Ante Again
Cree, considered by many to be one of the best producers of quality LEDs, has created a new super bulb.  It was created as part of a Department of Energy sponsored “L... Read more.
Red Slime Can Kill You?
At some point or another all aquarists have seen and come into contact with Cyanobacteria. Even though it is sometimes referred to as “Slime Algae”... Read more.
Shark Massacre Inside Galapagos National Park
Sharks are amazing creatures and I have been fortunate enough to have personally worked with several species. They’ve held my fascination for years and I... Read more.
Reef Balls Are Made Out of People.
It’s true, they are. Initially, it sounds like something you would feed your corals or fish. Maybe even a new powerhead or perhaps a new type of manmade... Read more.
Being a Better Reefer: Join the Tang Police, We Have Cookies!
An ancient society of hobbyists bent on depriving fellow reefers of their happiness. When a proud hobbyist posts about their recent aquatic acquisition the Tang... Read more.
Cyborg Fish Hit US Shores!
Microchips are used for many things, including tracking animals for security and conservation efforts. If you have a dog, than odds are you’re no stranger... Read more.
Japan, You’re Doing it Wrong…
Japan is known for taking something seemingly normal and creating a new, significantly weirder version… just because they can (and they’re silly like... Read more.