Interview With Matt Wandell: Steinhart Aquarium, San Francisco
Interview and photography by Brett Bingman I travel for work and sometimes that travel happens around holidays. Sure, we’d all like to be with our families and... Read more.

Boldly Colored Beauties: The Tuka Anthias
By Matthew Wandell Photos by Richard Ross One of my first experiences with the Tuka Anthias (Pseudanthias tuka) was seeing a shoal of these bright purple fish at... Read more.

Reef Safe Butterflyfishes?
I confess that I cringe a little bit any time I hear someone say “this fish will not eat corals” or “this fish is reef safe” because, like... Read more.

The Journey from Reef to Aquarium
By Matthew Wandell One of the most enjoyable parts of working at a public aquarium is the opportunity to care for a wide range of tropical marine fish and see what... Read more.

Keeping the Dwarf Cardinalfish (Apogon parvulus)
By Matthew Wandell Keeping fish in appropriate social groups is an important step towards creating a dynamic and interesting aquarium. Fishes kept in groups display... Read more.

The Randall’s Anthias: Part II of Shoaling Fishes
By Matthew Wandell In the last issue of Reefs Magazine, I discussed the Parvulus Cardinalfish, a small fish that can be easily kept in small groups in captivity.... Read more.

Shoaling Fishes Part III: Gobies and Dartfishes
By Matt Wandell In the last two issues of Reefs Magazine we took a close look at two species of fishes that are ideal for creating shoals, or small groups, in a... Read more.

A Curious Case of Aberrant Tangs
By Matt WandellAberrant Tangs are one of the most striking and unique fishes an aquarist can obtain, and for that reason they demand extremely high prices when... Read more.

Aquarium Chemistry: Regeneration of Granular Ferric Oxide Media with Sodium Hydroxide
If you’re reading this article beyond the title it’s likely you’re already familiar with the importance of phosphate in reef tanks and how granular... Read more.