Monday Archives: Tube Anemones
Many reefkeepers agree that it’s just not a reef tank without an anemone, and to some extent I’m with them. What most don’t realize is that there’s... Read more.

Jaguar Goby Added to ORA’s Captive Breeding Program
Oceans Reefs and Aquariums, otherwise known as ORA, is constantly pushing the envelope regarding the aqua culture of all manner of marine animals, and this week... Read more.

New Evidence Suggests Where Coral Reefs May Relocate To In The future
Global warming and ocean acidification are two aspects that are quickly reshaping what we know as the coral reefs, and with these factors moving in quickly, scientists... Read more.

Reef Fish Larvae Guided Home by Scent
Until now, there wasn’t much fact concerning exactly how reef fish larvae can travel away from their home reef and still find their way back again. In a recent... Read more.

Australia Opens “Smart Aquarium” to Fast Track Coral Conservation Research
This month Australia opened up the “world’s smartest aquarium,” dubbed the National Sea Simulator, in order to help fast track research into the... Read more.

Opinion: Sensational Shark Week This Year!
It’s been a sensational week thus far, and no I’m not using that as a complement! Discovery Channel’s Shark Week has been hailed for years for... Read more.

NOAA Continues to Crack Down on Marine Imports
After months of deliberation, NOAA announced this week that it will not grant Georgia Aquarium’s application for the import of 18 beluga whales from Russia,... Read more.

Captive Bred Clarion Angel Available for the First Time in the Western Hemisphere!
The past few years have seen huge advancements in the captive breeding of many saltwater species, and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down yet. Today... Read more.

MiniMax Media Reactor Next Up From Innovative Marine
Today Innovative Marine is unveiling another product to be added to their ever expanding line of all-in-one tanks and accessories in the form of a small media reactor... Read more.

Skimmate Desktop Protein Skimmer by Innovative Marine Reviewed
Recently, Innovative Marine released a new offering in the nano reef aquarium protein skimmer market that they dubbed the Skimmate which comes with a design that’s... Read more.