Breaking the Mold
Refugiums and skimmers were once the very idea that was breaking the mold, but in the last few years they have become the mold that we all so comfortably fall into.... Read more.
With all the new technology and fancy filtration in the  industry, hobbyists often forget the KISS rule. Keep it simple stupid! Reef hobbyists often get caught... Read more.
Aqua Euro USA Wave Maker
Wave-makers are indisputably one of the best ways to provide natural flow to your tank inhabitants, and from the looks of it they are only gaining steam in the industry.... Read more.
BoostLED Reef Lamp Clamp
Finally a way to hold those PAR bulbs over our picos! I’ve been a fan of BoostLED’s PARs since they came out, but this one takes the cake. Check back... Read more.
Nano IVS Portal Update
I talked to Tom’s wife at IVS yesterday and got an update on the Nano Portal that was unveiled at Reefstock this year. They originally planned to start shipping... Read more.
More Brains Than Brawn
Surely everyone has an idea in their head when someone says coral, and that image for me is undoubtedly brain coral. Since diving the Caribbean as a kid, I’ve... Read more.