The Mysterious “Sailfin Fairy Wrasse” Collected From The Philippines
Over the years, a small number of specimens said to represent an undescribed species of fairy wrasse have found their way into the aquarium trade, apparently having... Read more.
The Deepwater Triggerfish Rhinecanthus abyssus is the Holy Grail of Triggerfishes
As best I can tell, only four specimens of Rhinecanthus abyssus have ever been documented, and none has ever been collected for the aquarium trade. This enigmatic... Read more.
Foram Husbandry (What Little We Know…)
There is, not surprisingly, little written in the aquarium literature when it comes to foram husbandry, though there doesn’t seem to be any great challenge involved,... Read more.
Aquarium Forams
Perhaps the most relevant and interesting forams for the reef aquarist are those which make use of endosymbiotic algae. In a manner that is essentially identical... Read more.
An Introduction to Forams
Forams deserve far more respect and appreciation than they receive. Not only do they represent one of the most important and successful lineages in the ocean, but... Read more.
Undescribed Species Of Wrasse, Anthias & Butterflyfish Collected In Hawaii
The coral reefs of Hawaii are some of the most thoroughly explored and surveyed in the world, which makes it all the more surprising that a recent trip to Kure Atoll,... Read more.
A New Species of Pencil Wrasse, Pseudojuloides labyrinthus
It’s a great day for all the wrasse fans out there, as yet another beautiful species of Pseudojuloides has been made known to science. This diverse group now numbers... Read more.
The Indian Handfish is an Endearing Oddball
Like a pug or a bulldog, the Indian Handfish is just weird enough to be considered cute. This crawling pancake of a fish is quite a rarity in the aquarium trade... Read more.
Dear Retail Aquarium Stores, Can We NOT Recommend Dory For 30 Gallon Tanks?!
There’s been plenty of press recently over the new Finding Dory movie and its inevitable effect on the aquarium trade. Much has been written in the media expressing... Read more.
Butterflyfish Classification Is Needlessly Complex (And How To Fix It)
There are somewhere around 88 recognized species of Chaetodon butterflyfish swimming around the coral reefs of the world, which makes it quite challenging when it... Read more.