Be Organized When Moving a Reef Tank
There are only a few things about the reef keeping hobby I dread and one of them is moving a tank. Oh boy…..what a pain! One of my most memorable tank moves was... Read more.
SPS Deep Dive – Acropora Lokani
One of my favorite corals of all time is the Acropora Lokani. This deepwater beauty has sturdy main branches that run horizontal with thin, small branches... Read more.
Product Showcase: GHL Doser 2.1 SA
When I first started keeping reef tanks 20+ years ago I dosed a two-part solution for calcium and alkalinity supplementation. I figured out what I needed to add... Read more.
DIY Algae Reactors: A Risky Proposition
Many folks out there use DIY algae reactors for nutrient control and it can certainly be a money saving option. However, there are risks involved. Ok, full disclosure,... Read more.
Local Fish Stores – A Vital Part of the Reef Tank Ecosystem
When I first started in this hobby many years ago I frequented a few local fish stores to pick the owners’ brains to better understand how they achieved success with... Read more.
Why I Ditched GFO For an Algae Reactor
During all my years keeping reef tanks I have always stuck by what has worked for me and resisted change. For instance, I have had great results using metal halide... Read more.
SPS Deep Dive – Purple Monster
One of the great things about this hobby are the nicknames given to designer, high end Acropora. The Icefire Enchinata, ORA Pearlberry, Strawberry Shortcake, Tyree... Read more.
Focus on Fish – MochaVinci Clownfish
During my twenty plus years keeping reef tanks I have usually had a pair of clownfish in my display. I just love them. Not only are they colorful, but they can exhibit... Read more.
UPDATE: Using a DSLR For Facebook Live
A while ago I provided a how to guide on how to use a DSLR for Facebook Live, a tutorial specifically for Canon EOS DSLRs. Over the last few months I have learned... Read more.
How I Hit The Live Rock Mother Lode!
I was down in Florida on vacation for a few days and I had an opportunity to visit a LFS in Orlando, Florida and cherry pick some Haitian live rock for my reef tank... Read more.