The Art of Underwater Photography
By Richard Aspinall Scuba diving and reef keeping are, for me at least, two sides of the same coin and two hobbies which share a great deal in common – both require... Read more.

Indian Ocean Coasts – Lagoons, Rock pools and Sandy Bottoms
By Richard Aspinall Text and photographs, by author, unless stated otherwise Roaming around the tidal pools and rocky shores of my native Northern England undoubtedly... Read more.

Reef Zones: Firsthand Experience and Inspiration from the Indo-Pacific
By Richard Aspinall I’m fortunate in that several editors over the years have allowed me the opportunity to share my interests with a wider audience, not just... Read more.

Fish Tales: The Binominal – Its Origin, Uses and Benefits to the Aquarist
By Richard Aspinall Back in the increasingly distant and hazy past, when everything was in black and white, a young and slightly plump teenager in the North of England... Read more.

Bicinctus Clowns in the Wild
By Richard Aspinall I’ve had a long standing interest in the bicinctus clown (Amphiprion bicinctus), I think in the main because it was the first clown I ever... Read more.

Beginner’s Coral Guide
By Richard Aspinall One of the most exciting parts of setting up a marine aquarium for the first time is the introduction of corals, but the process can be nerve... Read more.

The Best Snorkeling Trip in the World?
I‘ve never been on a cruise before and to be honest I had never really thought I ever would, not for some years yet anyway – massive floating hotels... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Halichoeres Wrasses – Are they the best reef fish?
Like many marine hobbyists I have a great fondness for wrasses, which is quite fortuitous as there are so darn many of them, if you pick a chunk of sea anywhere... Read more.

Partner Persuasion: Advanced techniques in getting and keeping a new aquarium
For the aquarist unencumbered by family, partner, spouse etc. … life, at least in terms of aquarium purchasing, is limited to only one thing – the size... Read more.

Aquarium Review: Behind the Scenes at the Deep – Part 2
Read Part I of Richard’s article in the May issue. Last time I took you on a tour of The Deep’s tanks, its exhibits and its mind bogglingly huge systems.... Read more.