Old School Watermelon
This small colony of Echinophyllia aspera is one of my favorite chalice corals. It has been with me for many years and has passed the test of time. It has went... Read more.

Can You Say Blue
Many years ago I saw a tiny fragment of a blue Acropora and knew I was hooked. After looking at every image of our natural coral reefs I could find, I started... Read more.

Diamond In The Rough
You just never know when you will find a gem. This coral is a prime example of this premise when speaking about corals in captivity. This Acropopra tenius started... Read more.

Deepwater Acroporas
Deep water Acroporas can be awesome specimens for the captive reef aquarium. They have very delicate branching which gives these corals a unique and interesting... Read more.

Red Acroporas
Red Acroporas are an unusual sight, both in reef aquariums and in the Earth’s natural reefs.  The small colony pictured above was grown in captivity from a tiny... Read more.

Old School
Old school captive grown corals have a certain appeal. The fact that they are recognizable by the trained eye and hold their pigments throughout the years can... Read more.

Frag to Colony
This acropora is a prime example of the beauty that can be achieved when starting with a seed fragment instead of a wild colony. The placement of a frag with the... Read more.

Joe the Coral Acropora Tenuis From Above
Like Joe the plumber, Joe the coral also gets less attention then deserved. This highly pigmented and fast growing Acropora tenius is amazing in every way but gets... Read more.

Mirror Mirror On The Wall
Whom is the most beautiful chalice of them all. While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the undeniable attraction and unique color of this Oxypora lacera is... Read more.

Miniature Beauty
This small coral may be lacking in the size department but its perfect beauty can be seen and appreciated through this image taken with a Nikon Macro lens. The... Read more.