5 Reasons New Aquarium Hobbyists “Crash and Burn”
A misguided and hasty approach often leads to a failed aquarium and exit from the hobby. It’s a tale as old as the hobby itself: A novice marine aquarist sets... Read more.

Many of us are inspired to keep marine life for its exotic beauty or interesting behavior. But if we’re being perfectly honest, we have to admit there’s also... Read more.

Don’t Neglect These 5 Critical Marine Aquarium Maintenance Tasks!
Skimmer maintenance and light bulb or tube replacement are both important aspects of marine aquarium maintenanceKeeping a marine aquarium healthy and thriving requires... Read more.

The Striated Frogfish: a Great Choice for the Oddball Fish Aficionado
Striated, or hairy, frogfish (Antennarius striatus)Marine aquarists who are drawn to cryptic species with unusual morphology rather than bright colors might want... Read more.

DC MACNA Doesn’t Disappoint!
Reef display in the CoralVue boothLooking back over the weekend Caribbean Chris and I just spent at MACNA 2015 in Washington, DC, it’s dizzying trying to recollect... Read more.

No Aquarist is an Island: 5 Reasons to Attend MACNA 2016
Thousands of salties attended the Saturday night banquet (this shot only shows part of the massive room)! Caribbean Chris and I just got back from MACNA 2015, held... Read more.