The Deep Dive on Reef Aquarium Lighting, Part 1: Zooxanthellae, Color Temperature, and Light Intensity
Lighting affects how we visually enjoy the hobby and, more importantly, the vast majority of the corals in our tanks are photosynthetic. In this two-part article,... Read more.

Salty Q&A: Is My Lionfish Going Blind?
Question: I have a volitans lionfish that’s been in my 200-gallon tank for over two years, and lately it has begun to act like it can’t see. At feeding times,... Read more.

Nothing Mysterious about the Mystery Wrasse’s Charms
Pseudocheilinus ocellatus, the mystery wrasse (aka the tail-spot wrasse, white-barred wrasse, or five-barred wrasse), is somewhat uncommon in the hobby and usually... Read more.

Reef Lighting and Coral Aesthetics
I always say that you only really need three things to be successful in this hobby: good water quality, good water flow, and good light. All of those things are... Read more.

Salty Q&A: To Rinse or not to Rinse Frozen Foods?
Question: Â This is probably a silly question, but should I rinse frozen food before feeding it to my fish? I usually just thaw the food in a cup full of aquarium... Read more.

The Long Island Aquarium: A Pleasant Surprise Near the Tip of the Island
If you are ever visiting NYC and have time for a day trip out on Long Island, I would highly suggest the Long Island Aquarium and Exhibition Center out in Riverhead... Read more.

Freckled Hawkfish: A Hardy, Hefty Option for the Rough-and-Tumble Tank
When it comes to keeping hawkfishes in aquaria, one of the more common admonitions is to avoid housing these predators with fish or crustaceans small enough to swallow.... Read more.

Kessil A360W LEDs Don’t Disappoint!
Regular Saltwater Smarts visitors may recall that back in the spring of 2015, I closed down my 75-gallon reef tank and converted my 125-gallon (then) FOWLR tank... Read more.

Salty Q&A: Acropora Bleaching Fast!
Question: I just introduced an Acropora to my 65-gallon reef tank, and it’s already starting to bleach on me. I’d say about one-quarter to one-third of the colony... Read more.

Marine Aquarium Aquascaping: The Rule of Thirds
Aficionados of freshwater planted aquariums have long understood that observing certain rules of composition when aquascaping with plants, rocks, driftwood, and... Read more.