Salty Q&A: Harlequin Tuskfish Ate My Cleaner Shrimp!
Question: Two weeks ago, I added a harlequin tuskfish to my 90-gallon reef tank with the understanding that it’s a peaceful fish. Then this morning, the stupid... Read more.

Stylophora: Achieve that SPS Aesthetic with Less-Demanding Corals
Stylophora are branching small-polyp stony corals from the Family Pocilloporidae. Stylophora shares that family with Pocillopora and Seriatopora, and the three together... Read more.

What Hobbyists Can Learn when They Visit a Public Aquarium
Here in the US, the summer travel season is well underway, and popular attractions all across the nation are swarming with tourists. For those of us enamored with... Read more.

Reefkeeping Happiness Is…
In discussing the myriad rewards of reefkeeping, we marine aquarium hobbyists tend, at least in my humble opinion, to exaggerate the “soothing and relaxing”... Read more.

Salty Q&A: Calcium and Alkalinity Out of Whack
Question: I’m having an issue with the calcium and alkalinity levels in my reef tank. Right now, the calcium is at 380ppm, which is at the low end of the acceptable... Read more.

Tidal Gardens Substrate Update
Back in 2002, all the tanks were some combination of 300-gallon and 150-gallon stock tanks because they were by far the most cost-effective containers that were... Read more.

Don’t Be a Penny-Wise, Pound-Foolish Marine Aquarist!
Okay, class, please put away your notes and calculators, take out your number-two pencils (clear-a-vous but for a number-two!), and complete this easy multiple-choice... Read more.

5 Circumstances that Warrant a Species (or Specimen) Tank
A diverse community of marine fishes presents quite a visual feast, especially when housed in a reef system brimming with colorful corals. However, in some stocking... Read more.

Salty Q&A: How Long Before My Tank Is Cycled?
Question: The fish store dealer who’s helping me through the setup of my first saltwater aquarium told me I need to give the tank time to cycle before I put... Read more.

Threadfin Cardinalfish: Peaceful and Most Impressive in Numbers
Walk by an LFS sales tank containing a few specimens of threadfin cardinalfish (Zoramia leptacantha), and you might not give them a second glance. Chromatically... Read more.