Testing: Nano-Bubbles
Recently, the folks in my area got enamored with the topic of “nano‐bubbles” for the reef tank. Being a curious engineer and avid tinkerer of tanks, I jumped... Read more.

Reefs In Decline
I have been lucky in my life to have had the opportunity to dive in some of the prettiest and most diverse underwater habitats on earth. Without exception, the nicest... Read more.

Fish Disease Symptoms Aren’t Always What They Seem
Most marine aquarium hobbyists keep a close eye on their fish for certain tell-tale signs of ill health. And that’s a good thing, since quick intervention in the... Read more.

10 Tips for Limiting Marine Livestock Losses
Distilled down to its essence, success in the marine aquarium hobby is about keeping fish and invertebrates alive and thriving. And while it may seem as though fate... Read more.

Underwater in Okinawa
Okinawa, Japan is known for its great diving and lush coral reefs. I had heard heard all sorts of cautionary tales about diving in Okinawa due to its strong currents,... Read more.

Salty Q&A: Is a Sump the Same as a Refugium?
Question: What exactly is the difference between a “sump” and a “refugium” (assuming there is a difference)? These are terms I didn’t hear in my 30-plus... Read more.

5 Marine Aquarium Setup Missteps
Marine aquarium hobbyists can make any number of mistakes when setting up a new system, but some of these errors aren’t as easy as others to rectify after the... Read more.

Marine Aquarium Acronyms: PE Defined
The marine aquarium hobby is second only to the US military when it comes to the number of acronyms its members throw around. (Quite fittingly, this past Monday... Read more.

The Signal Goby: A Master Mimic with a Sketchy Captive Survival Record
The signal goby (Signigobius biocellatus), aka the twin-spot, two-spot, or crab-eye goby, is an appealing little sand sifter with fascinating behavior that, unfortunately,... Read more.

Salty Q&A: Marine Aquariums and Power Outages
Question: I set up a 60-gallon saltwater aquarium in my home last fall, and with my area being very prone to severe weather in spring, I have some questions about... Read more.