An Ultra-Low-Nutrient System for Acropora and other SPS
Welcome to the next level of coral care. By now I am assuming you have at least understood all the key general practices to maintain some of the hardier corals,... Read more.
Spare the Net for These 5 Fish Types
Moving a marine fish from one tank to another is a straightforward process. You grab a fish net of appropriate size, scoop out the specimen, and release it in its... Read more.
Aquarium Technologies Borrowed from Other Industries
We marine aquarists use a variety of tools to help keep our tanks healthy by either changing the water or removing the waste products of the animals we keep. But... Read more.
What Constitutes a Reef Aquarium?
Question: I’m new to saltwater aquarium keeping and struggling to wrap my head around all the different ideas and terminology. For example, what exactly constitutes... Read more.
First Annual Buckeye Reef Marine Expo Coming Soon!
Northwest Ohioans finally get a frag swap and marine expo in their home territory! As a long-time hobbyist in northwest Ohio (Hey, I can at least claim that for... Read more.
Diodon holocanthus: an Endearing Puffer for Spacious Aquariums
Porcupine pufferfish (Diodon holocanthus)Circumtropical in distribution and ascribed more common names than one can possibly keep straight (spiny puffer, porcupine... Read more.
Need Help from Fellow Hobbyists? Don’t Spare the Details!
We’ve all been there at one time or another: A major problem arises that’s causing livestock losses—and/or loss of sanity—and we need advice from local fish... Read more.
Top 10 Traits of a Successful Reefkeeper
Surprisingly, the “right stuff” that is required to succeed in this hobby can’t be bought at a storeAs marine aquarium hobbyists, we can buy a lot of things... Read more.
Sometimes Fish Eat the Funniest Things!
While a fish might seem to have an exclusive diet, they’ll often chow down on “off-menu” offerings, as wellCarnivorous fish eat meat, herbivorous fish eat... Read more.
Wishing I’d Chosen a Wider Marine Aquarium
I wouldn’t exactly say I have major regrets about choosing a standard 125-gallon tank for my current marine aquarium system, but if I had to do it all over again,... Read more.