From Muck to Mantas: Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea
By Scott W. Michael Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a magical and mysterious place. It boasts some of the most awe-inspiring scenery on earth, is home to incredible cultural... Read more.

Do You Believe in Fairies? Wrasses of the Genus Cirrhilabrus
By Scott Michael Why would anyone want to go diving at a site called the “toilet bowl” or another spot named the “rubbish tip?” My draw to these types of... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Deepwater Reef Fish Communities: Part 2: A Survey of Deep Reef Fishes
Creating a deep-water reef aquarium can be both exciting and challenging. Except for the lighting system, there is little difference between the equipment and aquarium... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Deep Water Reef Fish Communities: Part I: A Survey of Deep Reef Fishes
You plunge into the crystal clear water and begin to descent down to the top of the reef. Curtains of plankton feeding fishes rise and fall in the water column as... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: The Papuan (Canthigaster papua) and Ocellated Toby (C. solandri)
Reef fish posses a variety of anatomical and behavioral characteristics to help them avoid predators. Sharp spines, extreme agility, cryptic coloration, noxious... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Gobies of the Genus Amblygobius
The genus Amblygobius is comprised of 14 species that are distributed in the Indo-Pacific. Two of these gobies are encountered in the aquarium trade with a great... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Colin’s Angelfish, Centropyge colini
There are many interesting and beautiful pygmy angelfishes that lurk in deep fore reef habitats. Most of us aquarists have lusted over the striking peppermint or... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Twinspot Lionfish, Dendrochirus biocellatus
I have long been a fan of lionfishes. In fact, these fishes were partially responsible for baptism into the marine aquarium hobby over 30 years ago. I have been... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Possum Wrasses, Genus Wetmorella
The wrasses comprise a large and diverse family of fishes. They are ubiquitous members of the coral reef community and include tiny species like the pinkstreaked... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: The Slingjaw Wrasse (Epibulus insidiator) – The Fastest Jaw In The West (Pacific)!
One thing that initially attracted me to the marine aquarium hobby was the diversity of fish species available. Not only are the reef’s piscine residents varied... Read more.