Things We Do For The Hobby: Adventures In The ‘Hood
As most of you know, I’m a fish breeder. Recently, I decided to re-arrange my fishroom to take better advantage of the space. I made several posts on my local... Read more.

Ocean Trashed Used To Educate
Oregon-based artist and educator Angela Haseltine Pozzi has taken a novel approach by creating an exhibit called “Washed Ashore: Plastics, Sea Life & Art”... Read more.

Follow The Leader
Ever wonder what makes fish travel in schools? Mechanical engineer Maurizio Porfiri, of the Polytechnic Institute of New York University, wondered too. It turns... Read more.

Sylvia Earle on NPR’s Science Friday
Sylvia Earle will be on NPR’s Science Friday on April 20th talking about the deepest parts of the ocean. Other guests include John McCosker from the California... Read more.

Orbic Batfish reach metamorphosis in Florida!
The team at the University of Florida’s Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory (TAL) have done it again. This time they have gotten Orbic Batfish from the Shedd Aquarium... Read more.

Too Cute
I saw this photo on Facebook and thought it was too cute not to share. You just have to wonder what they were thinking.…... Read more.

Police Officer Uses Fish To Calm Kids
With all of the recent controversy surrounding the aquarium hobby it’s nice to see someone that understands some of the benefits of keeping aquatic pets. Police... Read more.

Semicircle Angelfish Ready For Market
Matthew Wittenrich and Eric Cassiano from Florida’s Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory (TAL) have been working with tank bred semicircle angelfish juveniles for... Read more.

Get Your MBI Workshop Early-Bird Tickets Soon!
Tickets for the 2012 Marine Breeder’s Workshop have been on sale for 20% of the regular price. Early-Bird prices will expire on March 15th so now is a great... Read more.

Tank Bred, Tank Raised… What’s the Difference?
The difference between the terms “tank bred”, “tank raised”, “captive bred” and “captive raised” has recently come... Read more.