Author: Terence Fugazzi

  • Terence Fugazzi

    I come from the far off land of Salt Lake City, Utah where I works as a technology marketer. I am a relatively new saltwater hobbyist having only maintained reef tanks for just over three years. I am also a technology geek at heart. However, in that short time I have gravitated toward the technology side of reefkeeping with my involvement in aquarium controllers and automation.My family and I currently maintain a 210g SPS-heavy mixed reef, and a 135g frag tank in my garage — both controlled by a single Apex Aquacontroller.In March of 2010 I co-founded the Utah Marine Aquarium Society (, a club of reefkeeping enthusiasts. I am extremely passionate about the hobby and even more passionate about helping others enjoy it and, most importantly, to stick with it.I speak nationwide on the topic of marine aquarium automation and have recently spoken at MACNA 2011, Reef-a-Palooza, and MAX. I am also is a technology patent holder and have a background in computer technology that spans over 20 years. I have BS in Computer Science from California State University Northridge.

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