Coral Feeding: An Overview
The notion that corals, like all other animals, need to feed in order to grow properly seems to have finally pervaded the aquarium hobby. Since the influential works... Read more.

Zooxanthellae: Biology and Isolation for Scientific Study
When we think about marine aquaria, we often think about light. And lots of it. To satisfy the needs of their precious corals, aquarists ensure their tanks are well... Read more.

Coral growth under Light Emitting Diode and Light Emitting Plasma: a cross-family comparison
Over the last few years, two noteworthy lighting technologies have made their way to the aquarium industry and hobby. These are known as Light Emitting Diode... Read more.

Aquarium Corals: Feeding and oxygen affect coral growth: implications for coral aquaculture
In the first half of the 19th century, naturalists such as Charles Darwin started exploring coral reefs in more detail. When they gazed into the gin-clear waters... Read more.

Epizoic flatworms impair coral feeding: evidence for parasitism
There have been many debates about symbiotic flatworms, especially about their effect on corals. Aquarists have long regarded flatworms as a nuisance, possibly due... Read more.

Aquarium Invertebrates: Aiptasia, dinoflagellate algae and cyanobacteria – a three-way symbiosis?
The genus Aiptasia contains several species of tropical anemones, which are found throughout the world. These anemones, similar to many other cnidarians such as... Read more.

Improved husbandry of marine invertebrates using an innovative filtration technology – part two: results with two 12 cubic meter DyMiCo systems
Read part one:Â “Improved husbandry of marine invertebrates using an innovative filtration technology – Part 1: DyMiCo ” by Tim Wijgerde, M.Sc.... Read more.

Improved husbandry of marine invertebrates using an innovative filtration technology – Part 1:Â DyMiCo
The aquaculture and husbandry of exotic marine species is ever evolving, with breakthroughs occurring regularly. Currently, marine invertebrates that completely... Read more.

Aquarium Corals: Zooplankton Feeding by Corals Underestimated
This article was republished in collaboration with Coralscience.org. Please visit Coralscience.org to read more accessible scientific articles about coral reef... Read more.

Inside A Coral Lab
This article was republished in collaboration with Coralscience.org. Please visit Coralscience.org to read more accessible scientific articles about coral reef... Read more.