Todd Gardner
  • Todd Gardner

    Todd Gardner is a professor of Aquaculture and Marine Biology at Carteret Community College in Morehead City, North Carolina where he oversees a partnership between the college and The Biota Group, a world leader in sustainably cultured marine life. Todd's life and career have been shaped by his passion for ocean life and he has written numerous scientific and popular articles about his research and experiences collecting, keeping, and culturing marine organisms. Todd’s professional background includes work on a National Geographic documentary, commercial aquaculture at C-quest Hatchery in Puerto Rico, and an 11-year term at the Long Island Aquarium where he spent much of his time developing techniques for rearing marine fish larvae. To date he has raised more than 50 species. In 2013 Todd received the prestigious Aquarist of the Year Award from the Marine Aquarium Society of North America (MASNA). In his spare time, Todd dives, photographs marine life, runs marathons, and makes music.

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Serranids of New York

Serranids of New York

By Todd Gardner The Serranidae is a family of mostly marine, tropical and temperate fishes consisting of more than 500 species. The family includes the subfamilies Anthiinae (Anthias their close relatives), Epinephelinae (most of the large groupers we like to eat, as...

Long Island Collecting Log: Groupers galore!

Long Island Collecting Log: Groupers galore!

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