Monday Archives: Jim’s Wrasse Heaven
Who would have thought that in my travels I would see two of the elusive Cirrhilabrus earli in two different parts of the country? Let alone five days apart! ... Read more.

Monday Archives: Finspot Wrasse
Those that know me, know that I am an absolute Geek when it comes to wrasses.  I can spend hours taking photos of just one wrasse before moving on to another. ... Read more.

Coral Morphologic @ Aspen Ideas: Climate
Coral Morphologic will be proudly representing Miami’s underwater denizens at the inaugural Aspen Ideas: Climate conference, May 9-12 with a nightly showing of... Read more.

Tubbataha: A Gem in the Sulu Sea
By Tony Vargas A few years ago, a couple of Australians brought Tubbataha to my attention during a dive excursion in Puerto Galera, the Philippines. Their unremitting... Read more.

Long Island Aquarium & NERAC
Remarkable achievements can be measured by accomplishing a certain task or by applying special efforts through time. In 1999 the Long Island Aquarium (LIA)—then... Read more.
Bone Cutter or Coral Clipper
One of the largest trends in the hobby is fragging corals. It seems as if every weekend somewhere around the country there’s a frag swap. Corals are being propagated... Read more.

Terence Fugazzi 210 Reef
What a great trip to Mountain West Reef Fest, Scott Fellman, Michelle Lemech, Bradley Syphus, and I had the pleasure of meeting up with Terence Fugazzi and his lovely... Read more.

Congratulations Two Little Fishies
Marine Depot (MD) considered the largest supplier of marine and reef aquarium supplies in the world announced at Reef-A-Palooza the names of their Best of 2011 award.... Read more.

Aquarium Fish: Spawning Cirrhilabrus jordani
When I first relocated to beautiful sunny South Florida I was amazed with the attitudes most Floridian reef hobbyists had toward wrasses in a reef aquarium. For... Read more.

Seth Miller 180 Reef
A few months ago I visited Brian Ferguson in Charlotte, North Carolina. I spoke at his club, Reef Aquarium Society of Charlotte (RASOC) and at the meeting I had... Read more.