Monday Archives: The Jack O’ Lantern Leptoseris

by | Feb 6, 2023 | Corals, Eye Candy | 1 comment

If a coral could speak and be heard by only the eyes, the Jack O’ Lantern Leptoseris would achieve this without issue.  The vibrant orange and green pigments with pumpkin like striping, scream Halloween.  It is no wonder this coral fetched some of the highest prices when captive grown seed fragments began to become available.  It is truly a rare specimen that has created a huge demand from collectors and with a very small supply to be had.  The Leptoseris mycefoseroides is a relatively easy coral to satisfy and requires only moderate light and water movement to thrive.  The wild specimens are often found in deep water and can be found growing at up to a 300 foot depths.  This coral will surely be a specimen farmed heavily due to it being difficult to collect and its amazing vibrant pigments.  The image is a small colony grown from a seed fragment acquired from Jason Fox over a one year period.

1 Comment

  1. Vale Figueroa

    Amazing colors!


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