Things are about to get really deep this year at MACNA thanks to none other than Rufus Kimura, and this is without a question one of the top talks I can’t hide my excitement for. The Molokai native and founder of Kaiohi Tropical Fish, a collection facility located in West Oahu, is renowned as being one of the top deep sea collectors in the industry. Specializing in the delicate, perilous process of collecting such rarities from the deep such as the Paracentropyge boylei and the Genicanthus personatus while using sustainable and ethical methods. This approach is undoubtedly more dangerous, but Kimura’s dedication to preserving our reef’s natural environment far outweighs the comfort and safety of more traditional methods. This year, Rufus will be taking us into the great depth of his world of the collection of sparsely seen species of the deep. From equipment preferences to proper care during collection to export, he’ll to be cluing us in to his greatest secrets as well as explaining the difficulties of such dives and efforts he’s put into practice in order to make the aquarium hobby more sustainable. If you can only make a few speakers this year, I implore you to really make some time for this particular one, you seriously won’t regret it!