I know there are many of you out there who unfortunately couldn’t make it out to MACNA this year, but fear not! Bulk Reef Supply is generously providing us with footage of the first four speakers from this year. This is excellent news for me since, while I was lucky enough to be in attendance this year, I was busy working the reefs.com booth the majority of the time (and blabbing about Personatus angels). I was able to sneak away to catch Richard Ross and Rufus Kimura (two of my top 5 anticipated speakers), but missed the rest. This is the first time video of MACNA talks has been made public, and it’s a trend we hope to see continued for future conferences. Speakers available for your viewing pleasure are Lemon Tea Yi Kai (another personal favorite), Mike Paletta, Dr. Todd LaJeunesse, Â and Julian Baggio. While I’d love if Julian Sprung, Sanjay Joshi and a handful of others were up for recap (ok, all of the speakers, I’d watch Rufus and Rich again, too!) this is a fantastic opportunity to catch up on some of what we missed.