The Last Bonaire Brain Coral

Good morning all, you can ask any seasoned diver who has been to Bonaire or the Caribbean in the past 10 years “what did you think about the reef on your last dive” and they will all say, “it’s not the same reef as we remember”. Due to years of massive tropical storms, overfishing, dragging nets and anchors, trash and runoff from shore our poor coral reefs are disappearing right before our very eyes and there is little we can do to stop it. On my last trip to Bonaire a few weeks ago I spent more time underwater shooting dying or dead corals than I did photographing fish or coral reef scenes, I must say it’s very alarming. I found colony after colony of wiped out endangered Staghorn coral and only a few brain corals like this one in the shallows, 14 years ago they were quite abundant. 

Bichimera Acropora tenuis

Check out the latest images from Jamie Craggs and his team of scientists at the Horniman Museum and Gardens’ Project Coral! These bichimera Acropora tenuis are just one of the many, many exciting results of this groundbreaking project, whose details I was...

Hainan Province Bans Clam Trade

Chinese actions in the South China sea have been less than environmentally conscious, as large areas of reef have been destroyed for construction projects – last year, National Geographic reported that over 3,200 acres of new land have been created in an...

Air China offers Hope to Sharks!

The trade in shark fins gets many conservation-minded folks pretty darn mad. Every year, an estimated 73 million sharks are killed solely for their fins, to be then chucked back into the ocean to suffer a slow, unpleasant death.…