Banggai Cardinalfish News

CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, oversees the import, export, and introduction from the sea of a multitude of species. The species covered by CITES are grouped into one of three Appendices: Appendix I is...

The impacts of releasing marine ornamental species

Published August 17, 2016 Introduction The introduction of species into areas outside of their native habitat is a concern for all ecosystems, both terrestrial and aquatic. These non-native introductions occur through a variety of pathways including intentional introductions, accidental releases, and natural events such as hurricanes. The majority of species released into new, non-native areas either are not able to establish within the introduced range, or are able to establish but do not cause significant damage. However, a small percentage of these introductions become established and cause severe environmental and economic damage; these are referred to as invasive species. In the marine environment, accidental release through the ballast water exchange of oceangoing vessels has traditionally been cited as the most likely pathway for marine species

Peroxide Powered Octobot

This cute little robot grabbed my attention immediately. First off, it’s a robot. Second, it’s in the shape of an octopus. And third, the movement in this 3D-printed soft body is powered by hydrogen peroxide, just about my favorite chemical...

Degraded Indo-Pacific Reef

It’s hard to read about coral reefs these days without hearing bad news stories about ocean acidification, plastic pollution, overfishing and all the rest…  Over three quarters of the world’s reefs are in some way damaged or threatened, but what does a degrade reef...

CIEE Bonaire

Good afternoon all, we just finished with the kids from the CIEE Research Station in Bonaire, we had 12 kids total meaning we did two submersible runs yesterday and one this morning. For years you have heard me me say “we have the kids from Bonaire coming today” well finally I have time to throw a short post out there for you all. So what does CIEE mean?? I actually had to look it up as my guess didn’t even come close.. It means “Council on International Educational Exchange” and folks this is a big organization, here is the link…  CIEE is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization, CIEE is the country’s oldest and largest nonprofit study abroad and intercultural exchange organization.