Probable Great White Shark Nursery Discovered off Long Island

OCHEARCH, an ocean research organization, has discovered a Great White nursery/birthing site in the North Atlantic, off the coast of Montauk, Long Island. Chris Fischer, the founding chairman of Ocearch (the organization behind the development) told CBS News that they had “definitely [found]the nursery, likely the birthing site.”  The find is “probably the most significant discovery we’ve ever made on the ocean,” Fischer added. Locating sites where North Atlantic great white sharks give birth and raise their young in the North Atlantic can lead to better efforts to protect and better understand these apex predators.  Great White sharks are described as “vulnerable.”  A vulnerable species is one which has been categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature as likely to

CRF Coral Spawning Update More exciting news from Richard Ross and the team of scientists working at the Coral Restoration Foundation’s coral nursery in Florida – the Acropora cervicornis larvae that they collected are now three days old, and have...

Quality Marine Announces of Arrival of Aquacultured Royal Grammas

August 23, 2016 – Los Angeles – Quality Marine is proud to announce the arrival of Aquacultured Royal Grammas from the Batavia Coast Maritime Institute (BCMI) in Australia. A testament to the biologists and aquarists who bred and reared them, these Fairy Basslets are exceptionally robust and healthy. Because of the limited number of specimens, they will only be available to public aquariums and educational facilities at this time.  Royal Grammas represent just one of several species being aquacultured by BCMI, a campus of Durack Institute of Technology in Western Australia. 

Grand Case Bay

Upon arrival in St Martin 10 years ago, I dove into the water and stayed there for five hours. It was the first time that I had ever seen coral in the wild; I discovered more coral, fish, fanworms, and urchins every few feet – animals and creatures that I had...