by Saltwater Smarts | Dec 3, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, DIY, Equipment, Fish, Invertebrates, Opinion, Reef, Science
Crack open any of these great saltwater and reef aquarium resource books and be prepared to learn!“Research the characteristics and care requirements of any fish or invertebrate you plan to keep.”“Studying the fundamentals of saltwater aquarium keeping before setting up your first system is a hallmark of success.” We’ve dispensed advice like this time and time again here at Saltwater Smarts. But knowing that you should do research before buying livestock or attempting new techniques is only half the equation. The other half is knowing which sources you can turn to for reliable, authoritative information. After all, there’s a lot of literature floating around out there and not all of it is equally accurate or trustworthy. So, in today’s post, Caribbean Chris and I would like to begin a list of marine aquarium reference sources that we consider valuable, if not indispensable, to hobbyists who are hungry for reliable, time-tested guidance. Under each listing, we’ll explain why we consider the work so valuable to the hobby. by Joe Rowlett | Dec 2, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Science
It’s the season for giving, and what better way to show you care about the health of our planet’s coral reef ecosystems than by directly helping to fund research aimed at bettering our understanding of these increasingly imperiled... by Matthew Stansbery | Dec 2, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Events, Reef
Researchers at the Georgia Tech’s School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences have painted a grim picture for the current status of Pacific ocean reefs. El Nino events are especially high this year and the waters surrounding many reefs are heating up quicker and... by Matthew Stansbery | Dec 1, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Reef, Sustainability
Scientists from Hawaii’s Institute for Marine Biology on Coconut Island are tinkering with evolution in an attempt to create “super coral” capable of withstanding the increasing temperatures and acidity of our oceans. … by Matthew Stansbery | Nov 30, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Reef, Sustainability
On the heels of international climate talks in Paris, the World Wildlife Fund has released a startling review of the status of our oceans titled “Living Blue Planet Report.” The WWF and the Zoological Society of London releases a bi-annual report that... by Matthew Stansbery | Nov 30, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Invertebrates, Reef
A paper published recently has shed some light into the battle against the Crown of Thorns sea star. “You don’t have to see the crown-of-thorns to know they have been on the reef. You can see where they have been because they leave trails of bleached white...