by Ret Talbot | Nov 9, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Industry, Science, Sustainability
This is segment three in a multi-part series on the marine aquarium trade and marine aquarium trade data. I’m Ret Talbot reporting from the Philippines as a special report to In this segment, we’ll look at the data collection project that yielded the most... by Francis Yupangco | Oct 29, 2015 | Conservation, Science
There has been some controversy of late regarding the negative effect that sunscreen may have on the health of phytoplankton and near shore coral reefs. Some studies suggest that some types of common sunscreen used by beach goers, swimmers and divers may... by Gary Parr | Oct 26, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Opinion, Podcast, Science
Should we take marine animals from the reefs for our viewing pleasure?
In our 250th podcast, a discussion about marine-fish captive breeding and Orca breeding leads to an exchange about keeping wild animals captive, the current state of our hobby, and how collecting and keeping marine animals fits in the larger animal-treatment arena. Basically, we address some difficult questions. After you’ve listened, share your thoughts here or on the Reef Threads Facebook page. Download the podcast here, or subscribe to our podcasts at iTunes. Also, follow us on Twitter @reefthreads.—Gary and Christine
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Breeding yellow tangs
Rising Tide Conservation Captive Bred Yellow Tangs
Breeding Orcas
Sea World To Challenge California Ban On Orca Breeding, Francis Yupangco,
by Todd Gardner | Oct 23, 2015 | Conservation, Fish
In the next issue of Reefs Magazine, I’ll be discussing the second most represented fish family in the coastal waters of New England: The Serranidae. Interestingly, most of the species found here are generally considered to be tropical strays that are doomed... by Francis Yupangco | Oct 22, 2015 | Conservation, Industry, Science, Tanks
The Florida Aquarium in Tampa, Florida has began a new expansion as of Wednesday. The Florida Aquarium has had large plans in the works since 2012, when they started the Rising The Tides Capital Campaign as a way to fundraise for... by Francis Yupangco | Oct 20, 2015 | Conservation, Science, Tanks
This week, Seaworld has announced it will be challenging the recent ban on  captive Orca Breeding. The California Coastal Committee issued a ruling that imposed restrictions on Sea World California, most notably, the restriction on Orca Breeding and prohibitions on...