by Chris Maupin | Sep 6, 2015 | Conservation, Science
New, advanced online publication of research by Foster and colleagues in the journal Coral Reefs explores the impacts of ocean acidification and global warming on the development of the tabling coral Acropora spicifera, an iconic species of the subtropical western... by Kenneth Wingerter | Aug 17, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Science, Sustainability
It may be a bit surprising that previously undescribed species can still be discovered in an area such as the rocky reefs of the Tamar River Estuary in Tasmania, which is fairly well studied and frequently photographed by recreational... by xeniaforever | Aug 13, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Science, Sustainability
Check out this video from Richard Ross!  Acropora cervicornis larvae – baby Staghorn coral – are swimming around in their petri dish, just 7 days after he and a world-renowned team of scientists collected 25 mL of concentrated eggs from the spawning Acerv... by Francis Yupangco | Aug 11, 2015 | Conservation
Undulate Rays are an Endangered Species that is primarily found in the waters of England. The rays typically grow to between 10-20 pounds and can live up to 20 years. Over fishing has been blamed for the decimation of the natural population of Undulate Rays, and... by Francis Yupangco | Aug 6, 2015 | Conservation, Science
Eight Months after their stay at the New England Aquarium, four sea turtles have been released back into the ocean. The three Kemp’s Ridley and one Loggerhead turtle were found stranded on Cape Cod last Fall due to water temperature... by xeniaforever | Jul 30, 2015 | Conservation, DIY, Home Decor, Science, Sustainability, Too Cute
My children are fascinated with sea turtles. Those enormous reptiles that drift peacefully for thousands of miles on the ocean currents, observing the world with gentle eyes, have captured their...