by xeniaforever | Jul 29, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Industry, Science, Sustainability, Technology
Coral, with its porous nature and curled structure, is extremely efficient at absorbing toxic heavy metals; deadly poisons. The mercury that is polluting our oceans is contributing to massive coral die-offs, and is building up in the food chain, eventually resulting... by Francis Yupangco | Jul 26, 2015 | Conservation, Corals
This story speaks wonders of the possibility of healing, healing which is occuring in our coral reefs and in human spirituality . Wounded veterans, who have survived what can only be called the impossible, are now working on something that many would agree at times ia... by Francis Yupangco | Jul 24, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Science
Let’s admit it, we all love Orcas aka Killer Whales.  Well then we should commend a group of brave volunteers who did an amazing job working to save a stranded Orca on July 22nd on the rocks near Hartley Bay, BC Canada.  … by Robert Loren | Jul 20, 2015 | Conservation, Invertebrates, Science, Sustainability
Sometimes regarded as rare or insignificant, marine fungi are both phylogenetically and ecologically diverse. Like all fungi, marine fungi are heterotrophic. Although a large portion of marine fungi are saprobes – organisms that feed on decaying organic matter, many... by Francis Yupangco | Jul 19, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Photography
As if this summer of high profile shark attacks couldn’t get any worse, a  professional surfer had an extremely close encounter with two sharks during a competition in South Africa on Sunday — and the entire dramatic ordeal was captured on live... by Francis Yupangco | Jul 18, 2015 | Conservation, Fish, Photography, Science
When you think of a large school of sharks swimming close to shore Britain is not the first place that typically comes to mind.  But, this week, a school of dozens of Starry Smooth-Hound Sharks (Mustelus asterias) was filmed gathering in a small inlet in...