by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 17, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Science, Sustainability
Researchers from the University of Miami are perfectly placed to collect their recent findings supporting the need for human intervention when it comes to climate change and coral reefs. “For many years we have known that some types of symbiotic algae can convey... by Matthew Stansbery | Jun 15, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Invertebrates, Science
A new study led by scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) has presented evidence stating coral reefs may not be as susceptible to ocean-acidification as once was thought.… by Francis Yupangco | Jun 15, 2015 | Conservation, Corals
Good news in the fight to help protect corals reefs in the USA. Â Last week, a critical step was taken to protect coral reefs in the Mid-Atlantic states of the USA. The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council approved an amendment to protect deep sea corals from the... by Francis Yupangco | Jun 14, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Science, Tanks
In today’s day and age, there is not much we cant do from behind our computer screens. You can see the whole world at the stroke of a key. Now you can see the underwater world as well. Google Street View allows you to go all over the world, from the comfort of... by Chris Maupin | Jun 11, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Science, Sustainability
In the boreal (Northern Hemisphere) Spring of 2014, warm waters began to appear at the surface of the equatorial East Pacific. This appearance caused much stir and speculation about the potential development of something we have not seen in nearly two decades now: a... by Kenneth Wingerter | Jun 8, 2015 | Conservation, Corals, Sustainability
As if tensions between regional powers were not hot enough, a new issue of contention has emerged in the South China Sea. Recently, the Japanese government has denied Chinese fishermen shelter from a coming typhoon near the Ogasawara Islands, where Tokyo suspects many...