Cook Islands creates the world’s largest marine park!

by | Sep 4, 2012 | Conservation, Science | 0 comments

The Cook Islands recently declared an area nearly twice the size of France will become the world’s largest marine park.

Prime Minister Henry Puna said the 1.065 million square kilometre (411,000 square mile) reserve “(is) the largest area in history by a single country for integrated ocean conservation and management”.

Read the full story: Cook Islands declares world’s largest marine park

  • Tal Sweet

    Tal got back into the hobby in 2006 after a long break. After hearing Dr. Frank Marini speak at the Midwest Marine Conference in 2008 he was hooked on fish breeding . Since then he has created his own website with his personal captive breeding information and helped create the Marine Breeding Initiative. It is Tal's hope to promote captive breeding as much as possible by speaking and writing about the topic.

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