A unique and exotic Favia coral originally discovered by Richard McKellip of Southern California. The coral contains a mix of gold, orange and pink pigments within its corallite centers. This unique mix of pigments can develop an orangish color similar to the colors of a sunset. The name Tequila Sunrize was based on these colors. That is also the name of a mixed drink that contains Tequila, Orange Juice and Grenadine syrup. The drink, when mixed properly, varies in color from bright yellow to orange. That colorful layering effect represents the gold, orange and pink pigments within the corals corallites. The ridges between corallites can also develop a blue pigmentation.
Tequila Sunrize Favia
Genus: Favia
Favia sp.
Color: Purple, Orange, Green
Coral Care
Feeding: None - Photosynthetic
Lighting: Medium
Flow: Medium
Photo courtesy of: Reeffarmers