Key Lime Mango Sherbert Mycedium Chalice

The Key Lime Mango Sherbert Mycedium is an exotically colored Mycedium coral. The main surface of the coral develops a bright green to turquoise green pigmentation. This green contrasts strongly with the orange colored corallites.…

Miami Hurricane Chalice

This amazing Echinophyllia thick plating coral has an bright green base coloration that can at times appear slightly grayish. There also appear to be some blue gray pigments that mix with green pigments to produce the Bright Green overall appearance.…

Pumpkin Patch Echinophyllia Chalice

This amazing Echinophyllia thick plating coral has an olive green base coloration that can at times appear slightly grayish. There also appear to be some blue gray pigments that mix with green pigments to produce the Olive Green overall appearance (see image...

Volcano Chalice

The Volcano Chalice is one of the early Old School Chalices. This coral was imported prior to the discovery of the first Watermelon Chalice. This was when Fragfarmers Old Shop in Upland was a major importer of whole chalice colonies.…