RG Cherry Blossom Favia

This ephemeral gem is a true beauty. The Cherry Blossom has a uniquely snow white rim with a gradation of red seeping into the center. This is a hardy favia that is worth the patience it takes to cultivate it.…

RG Laguna Favia

The new Laguna Favia is closely related to the Malibus and Venturas, but sports uniquely different colors. The pink halos around bright gold eyes make this favia very special indeed!…

RG Paintball Favia

Another new rarity from ReefGen. We’re calling this variagated favia, Paintball Favia, in reference to the splattering of greens, reds, purples, and yellows. It’s truly a stunning piece.…

RG Poinsettia Favia

Favias don’t get much more colorful than this stunning green and pink beauty. It’s bright contrasting colors culminate with golden little mouths. …