RG Rabbit Hole Favia

This black centered favia sucks you in with undeniable appeal. This favia looks like our Area 51 Favia had a litter of little babies!…

RG Franken Favia Graft

Another of Justin Credabel’s bizarre coral creations, this is a beautiful marriage between his two signature Favias, the Malibu and the Ventura. Enjoy their growth together as their cohabitation warps colors in unpredictable and often stunning new...

RG Jade Dragon Favia

This new favia is incredibly irridescent sparkling with turquoise hues. These beautiful favias encrust out in fluffy matts. Lovely.…

RG Area 51 Faviid

They are finally back in stock!! Joe Yaiullo has been growing out the mother colony over his 20K gallon reef for years where it has grown into a mounded dome-shape. Is it a Goniastrea, or a large polyped Platygyra?…

RG Black Heart Favia

A gorgeous red favia with dark centers within their green eyes. One of the most intensely colored favias we have under blue light.…