by Afishionado | Jan 10, 2023 | Corals, Video
Recently my wife has suffered some health issues and I had to severely neglect my tank for a little over 2 1/2 months and put my Deskmate project on hold. Now that things are slowly getting back to somewhat normal, I went to visit my friend Chris Portale of The Fish... by Afishionado | Dec 29, 2022 | Corals, Technology
Something that I came across today from Fauna Marin has caught my attention. Causes of RTN, possible early detections and treatments. Many Acro keepers know the dreaded feeling when you see your sticks start to lose tissue and it seems like nothing helps and you can... by Afishionado | Dec 8, 2022 | Corals
The Online Coral ID Workshops with Russell Kelley and BYOGUIDES are back! After overwhelmingly positive feedback from the previous workshops, they have expanded the event to 4 days long. That is 16 hours of Indo-Pacific Coral ID... by Joe Rowlett | Dec 5, 2022 | Corals, Invertebrates
The evolutionary history of corals is a fascinating subject, recounting one of the oldest lineages of multicellular animal life. This story is full of mistaken identities, uncertain affinities, and exciting, new discoveries.… by ReefBum | Nov 10, 2022 | Corals
Over the years I have shipped a lot of coral frags overnight to customers using either FedEx or UPS. Initially, I used FedEx but I switched to UPS after FedEx screwed up and delivered some packages a day... by Alex Hall | Oct 4, 2022 | Corals, Reef
One of the most common parasites to infect Acropora spp., T. acropranus will infect all the species in the genus. However, it appears “smooth-skinned species like A. granulosa and A. lokani may be the more susceptible.”…